Tag: Virtual Chorus

2020 虛擬合唱專輯

在新冠病毒流行期間,北加州臺大校友合唱團使用虛擬合唱團技術製作了幾首合唱歌曲。在指揮方玉山和聲部長們的指導下,每個成員都錄製了單獨演唱的部分。 每首歌則是通過使用音頻編輯軟件將所有錄音組合起來,然後添加視覺元素來創建視頻的。 演奏這些歌曲不僅讓我們在被命令必需呆在家裡的時候聯繫了大伙,也為這段時間留下了寶貴的記憶。 歡迎觀看演出!
During the COVID-19 pandemic period, NTUAC-NC chorus has produced a few chorus songs using the virtual choir technology. Under the guidance of the Conductor David Fong and the support by the section leaders, each member sang and recorded individual part. Each song is created by using an audio editing software to combine all recordings, then added visual elements to produce the video. Performing these songs not only connected us when we were ordered to stay at home, but also creates precious memory about this period. Welcome to watch the performance!
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