贊助及捐助 (Donation)



無論是拓展合唱活動或籌辦音樂會都需要社區的參與,您的支持與鼓勵就是我們不斷追求進步的動力! 歡迎您任何時間隨意捐款,或贊助/捐款方式支持我們的年度公演。您的捐款將有明確捐助目的和用途,可以做為稅捐扣抵之用。支票抬頭請註明”National Taiwan University Alumni Chorus in Northern California”,謝謝您的合作與配合。



公演捐款贊助方式/Concert Sponsorship and Donation:

捐款贊助 / Sponsorship 電子節目冊頁幅 / e-Program Page 投影頁數量 / Slide-Show Page(s) 演唱會貴賓票 / VIP Concert Tickets
$500+ 全頁 / Full Page 4 2
$300 半頁 / Half Page 2 2
$200 四分之一頁 / Quarter Page 1 2
捐款 (Donation) $200+ 2

公演贊助和一般捐助聯繫/Contact for Donation or Sponsorship:

團長/President: 黃金仁/Gene Huang, Email: chinjenhuang at yahoo dot com
副團長/Vice President:彭賢明/Shyan-Ming Perng, Email: smperng at gmail dot com

Thank you all for your support and encouragement over the years towards National Taiwan University Alumni Chorus in Northern California (“NTUAC-NC” hereafter). As a nonprofit chorus group, NTUAC-NC strives to promote the richness and diversity of choral music to the community. Through our annual concerts and various music venues, we have consistently delivered exceptional performances of both Eastern and Western songs to our audience, upholding the highest standards.

NTUAC-NC will be holding its annual performance between August and September each year. We sincerely hope that you can generously contribute and support our performance through donations. We will announce your support on e-Program pages and slides during the concert. For details please see the Sponsorship table.

We also welcome donations at your discretion to support NTUAC-NC’s activities or our annual concert. We will express our gratitude on the acknowledgment page of the e-Program book and on the acknowledgment slide.

Please make your check payable to “National Taiwan University Alumni Chorus in Northern California”. All donations/sponsorship fees are tax deductible.